An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test used to evaluate the electrical activity in the brain.
About Electroencephalogram (EEG)
An EEG is a test used to evaluate the electrical activity in the brain.
This is a painless and non-invasive procedure that has no side effects. It is used to aid with the diagnoses of some neurological disorders. Special wires called electrodes are attached to the scalp (using adhesive paste and tape) and these wires are connected to a computer that records these signals. These signals are also referred to as brainwaves.
Patients can have either an Awake (routine) EEG or an Awake and Sleep EEG, with or without sleep deprivation and sedation depending on the referring doctor's request.
Keeping still and relaxing are very important during the test. Sleeping during the test is good in most cases.
The test takes approximately 1.5hr
To encourage sleep the child should be sleep deprived the night before by going to bed later and woken earlier; approximately 2 hours less sleep is sufficient for 4 - 5 year olds. Babies and toddlers should arrive tired enough and hungry enough to settle quietly with a bottle or dummy. The 4 - 5 year old child should be tired enough to settle comfortably with a favourite toy/movie/distraction.
The child may eat or drink as usual but avoid stimulants such as fizzy drinks and chocolate for 6 hrs before the test.
Hair must be clean and dry - no hair products or oils.
It can be difficult to keep a child still so distraction is sometimes helpful. Bring along something soothing, e.g. a bottle, dummy, special toy, blanket, book, iPad.
(Note - chewing movement can affect the recording so solid food during the test is avoided)
Some children over 3 years might be given a mild sedative (chloral hydrate) orally if sleep is necessary depending on the referring doctor's request. Children under 3 years will not be sedated.
A maximum of 2 adults may accompany the child in the EEG room. No other children are permitted in the room - please make the necessary arrangements for the care of any siblings prior to the appointment.
The test takes approximately 1 hr. Sedation will not be given.
Patients may be asked to be sleep deprived before the test by going to bed 2 hours later than usual and waking 2 hours earlier than usual on the day of the test.
The patient may eat and drink before the test. However caffeine should be avoided for 6 hours before the test.
Hair must be clean and dry with no hair products.
A maximum of 2 adults may accompany the patient in the EEG room. No other children are permitted in the room - please make the necessary arrangements for the care of any children prior to the appointment.
The test takes up to 1.5hrs
All patients are asked to be sleep deprived by going to bed 2hrs later than usual and waking 2hrs earlier than usual on the day of the appointment.
A mild oral sedative (chloral hydrate) will be available, if needed, to encourage sleep
The patient may eat and drink before the test. However caffeine should be avoided for 6 hours prior.
Hair must be clean and dry with no hair products.
A maximum of 2 adults may accompany the patient in the EEG room. No other children are permitted in the room.
If a sedative has been given patients may not drive a vehicle for the rest of the day and should make arrangements to be collected following the test. Likewise they are advised against making important decisions for the remainder of the day.
What is the sedative given to me if I am having an EEG that requires me to sleep?
It is a mild sedative called chloral hydrate (100mg/ml) and is given in liquid form. For children the dosage is based on the child's weight - 50mg/kg. The maximum dose administered for adults (or children) is 1000mg (10mls).
Can I still have an EEG if I have a pace maker or other implants in my body?
Yes. There are no contraindications if you have any implantable devices.
Do I need to stop my medications prior to my EEG?
Keep taking the medications that you have been prescribed unless your referring doctor has advised you otherwise. This includes any anti-epilepsy medications that you may be taking.
Are there nurses on hand if I have an epileptic seizure during my EEG?
We do not have nursing staff at Auckland Medical Specialists. The technician undertaking the EEG test is very experienced and will ensure that the safety of the patient is paramount at all times. In the unlikely event of a sustained seizure an ambulance will be called.
Why do I have to have clean dry hair with no products in it?
The electrodes used to conduct the test need to be attached to the scalp. Unclean hair, wet hair or hair products can prevent the electrodes sticking to the scalp. We recommend that you wash and dry your hair the night before the test.
I am worried that my small child won't co-operate and stay still while the test is being done.
It is important that your child does stay as still as possible while the test is being undertaken and this is why we encourage your child to be tired and hungry enough to drink a bottle (or to suck on a dummy) to help them settle and rest quietly. Parents are encouraged to bring toys or devices to help your child settle. If your child is reluctant to lie flat for the test, our technician will allow them to sit if this keeps your child calm. The test must be recorded within the 1 ½ hours allocated.
Should I still have an EEG if I have a bad cold or the flu?
Cancel your appointment and re-book once you're feeling better (this applies to all patients - adults and children). Furthermore children will not be given sedation if they have a cold or the flu.
Will I get the results of my EEG?
The EEG will be viewed and reported by a Neurophysiologist following your appointment. The report will then be sent to your referring doctor who will in turn contact you regarding the results.
Where do I have my EEG done and do I need to arrive early for the test to fill out any forms etc?
If you have been booked in for an EEG by one of the staff at Auckland Medical Specialists, you will have this test done on site at 183 Gillies Avenue, Epsom. A staff member from Auckland Medical Specialists will also call you 24 - 48 hours prior to your appointment to confirm your appointment time and go over with you the preparation required for the EEG.
Can I bring my spouse or children with me when I have my EEG?
A maximum of two adults may accompany you in the room during the test Children are not permitted in the room (unless they are the patient) so please plan for this accordingly.